
YaXAHA Cluster is a PostgreSQL clustering solution. You can consider it a kind of database replication, in which each cluster node acts as a master node.

By default, all cluster nodes are equal, so the client application can access any cluster node available.

YaXAHA Cluster was designed for heavily loaded databases, so we made our best to provide a good balance between Strict and Eventual data consistency. We prefer to think that YaXAHA Cluster is somewhere in the middle of Synchronous and Asynchronous replication.

You can easily manage this balance by increasing or decreasing the number of cluster nodes participating in synchronous replication.

At the moment, YaXAHA Cluster is in the minimum viable product (MVP) stage. Therefore, we do not provide an end-user-friendly interface for cluster configuration yet. The user must configure the nodes from the command-line by himself. There are also certain restrictions.

We hope that you will find YaXAHA Cluster interesting. We will take in account all the user feedbacks while preparing to release the version. So, feel free to contact us about ideas and feature requests.